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Old 05-17-2004, 03:48 PM   #12
Belt Conveyor
Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: Philadelphia, Pa
Posts: 68
It's the town I reside in so I like Philadelphia sports teams....

OK I get it now, your excused, your not origiannly form here....that is what you should have said in the first place because now I don't give a rat's ass....

AND as a kid I liked the steelers, they used to kick the shit out of the cowboys, who always beat the pathetic eagles, so it was easy to like the steelers.

What do you think of your boys for 2004???

Like I said I think Billy knows they overachived last year and will work Hensen in and take a clunker of a season to get his system right.....not like he's getting fired or anything.....

Oh by the way, not like I like them or anything, but I'm whatever about the cowboys.....their 1500 miles away from me here....YET we have a division rival and hour up the turnpike!!! GOD I hate the giants!!!!

NEVER understood, outside of the cowboys luck and scumbag ways (Part of the reason I can't watch the show 'king of the hill' is his love for tom 'the scumbag' landry.....) NEVER understood why people would get all carzy over the boys when people in dallas always considered Washington their big rival....I would have thought the giants were a natural one.....WELL for me they are.....I hate the giants twice as much as the boys......but that's not saying much....

'happines is a warm pistol'

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