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Old 06-04-2017, 08:26 AM   #12
Join Date: May 2015
Posts: 660
And Grav, I feel your dishwashing pain. Literally. I washed ALL the dishes by hand for 30 years, from the time I was 10 and was informed that dishes were now my chore until the cracked, swollen, purple, bleeding knuckles were diagnosed as dermatitis eczema and my doc told me when I was 40 that I was no longer to be putting my hands in hot soapy water routinely if I didn't want my skin to start peeling off.

I'd love it if someone would invent an apartment-affordable dishwasher that didn't leave that nasty white sticky-oily scurf all over "clean" dishes no matter what soap gets used. My neighbor does use his dishwasher (we barely remember to run it a couple times a year for the sake of the pipes) and half the time I have to make him hand-wash that crap off because I don't care if YOU think it's clean, if I can scrape sticky crap off it I am NOT putting my food on it!
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