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Old 05-30-2017, 03:13 PM   #11712
Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: Austin, TX
Posts: 20,012
We've been trying to gently convince stepdaughter that she needs to apply for a better job since basically day one of her current job. It was always meant to be a shitty stepping-stone gig, and she has done an admirable job of rising to the occasion and increasing her confidence, which was really the only roadblock to her employability in the first place. It only took about 3 months before she first said with wonder, "Everyone I work with is kind of... a lot dumber than me." Yeah, honey, we know. But she didn't follow through on the "so get a better job" conclusion. She's convinced that she'll make some mistake and get fired from any job that's even slightly harder than the one she's at.

But today she told us a complicated tale of work drama that basically boils down to three things: upper management is embezzling money, the last person to catch them red-handed was fired, and they just tried to sucker her into a situation that would put her name on their latest fraudulent transactions. Fortunately she played dumb and "accidentally" deleted the transaction, so they had to abandon the attempt.

But she only did it because she didn't want to get fired like the last person that caught them. I explained to her that this is not about not-getting-fired, this is about not-going-to-jail. These people will not hesitate to throw her under the bus, and she needs a new job immediately.

All of which is in the happy thread because she is, now, applying for new jobs. If it takes the threat of jailtime to get her ass in gear to improve her own life, then whatever, I'll take it.
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