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Old 04-18-2017, 04:34 PM   #6
The Un-Tuckian
Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: South Central...KY that is
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Auntiedigr is visiting currently. She brought the kids. They did not know what a check was. The kids are 15 years old. Remember checks?

Also, I've been hearing the same repeating commercial on the radio (Nashville station) for Arizona State University. You can get the same degree online as you would on campus. They used to say "For more info, text the word 'school' to 35517, again that's 'school' to 35517." Recently they've changed that to "For more info, text the word 'school' to 35517, again that's 's-c-h-o-o-l' to 35517."

They've started spelling the word school for the people they want to attend their university.

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