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Old 01-31-2017, 07:51 AM   #1387
Join Date: May 2015
Posts: 660
And today I'm pissed because my neighbor INSISTS I get right back on the physical therapy roster because my back's out so bad I couldn't lift the coffee carafe out of the sink to make coffee. And he's pissed right back because for some reason I'm not bubbling over with faith that a man who can't remember to tell the maintenance team that SIX OF HIS LIGHT FIXTURES HAVE NO WORKING BULBS can remember that I'm already in hot water with the PT folks because THREE adults with two working vehicles could not manage to get me there enough to finish my last 'scrip, which officially makes me a problem patient according to their computers. Once they start giving away your appointment-with-a-therapist times, you're a problem. Oh, and Mr. "You Need To Have Faith In My Ability To Help You Any Time You Need It" can't even keep his own ass out of the ER--two visits in three weeks, no cure for the condition, haven't even found a med to maintain him on yet, and I'm supposed to have religious levels of faith in his ability to get me to ANOTHER TOWN for PT???

I can't go back to the pool I can walk to. The clinic owner has now repeatedly been heard telling people who find the chemical-circulation current too strong that they should find a different clinic because the pumps are like $8000 a set and turning the current off for even an HOUR will ruin them. These are the pumps that gave me 5 soft tissue injuries in 4 weeks, motivating my switch to out of town. My other choices in town are: wait 3-4 months until the PT department at the hospital can fit me in, and then when my scrip is done I don't get to go back. Go back to the branch up at the fitness club and IF they still have the SSI discount membership that I used to have, try to find a time when there aren't a bunch of tweens playing in the PT lanes (despite PARENTS MUST SUPERVISE signs on all the walls). Go back to the public pool that I swore I'd never set foot in again after they blew every single state and federal medical confidentiality law right out their asses and got in seriously ugly trouble for it.

This is currently pissing me off so hard that despite all my other feelings about the activity, if they ever invent a surgery or a pill that CURES panic attacks, I'll damn well DRIVE MYSELF places. Until then, I have plenty of memory of how completely unpleasant panic attacks are at 75 mph and so no driving for me.
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