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Old 01-26-2017, 07:50 AM   #1379
Join Date: May 2015
Posts: 660
Oh, and after the "of course people who only get $725 a month to live on and are required by federal law to pay half to all the rent wherever they live can afford premiums", there's the brilliant plan to deny people like me access to Medicaid AT ALL if we do not actively, vigorously attempt to acquire not just a paying job, but a paying job that will lead to employer-paid health care. And because it's my brain that's broken, I may very well either be kicked from SSI for being "able bodied" or forced to reapply and go through the 'hope you can pay rent for FORTY MONTHS without income while we deny you (4 months) and then force you to wait for another hearing (up to 3 years). Survive on your own, because until that hearing you are NOT our problem.'
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