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Old 05-09-2004, 11:00 AM   #97
We have to go back, Kate!
Join Date: Apr 2004
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My point Bruce is that I doubt the veracity of that source. I have googled it. I have googled it and found an anti Moore campaign by Gunlobbyists, many of whose accusations I have found to be less than honest. I am still looking for some other details And as far as Facts being facts goes...well Facts are malleable and if we didnt take into consideration vested interests we'd be sold a great deal more hogwash than we currently are. All this goes to show is that there are people who believe Moore to be a charlatan and people who believe him not to be. I havent seen anything yet which proves him a charlatan I have found plenty to make me doubt the honesty of those making that claim.

Now I am not suggesting that Moore is infallible. He is a film maker and sometimes I realise he moulds the available facts to fit his particular analysis...Thats generally what documentary film makers do. His analysis is not without his own particular prejudices and agendas. But that is something no film maker can be said to be free of. All the best documentaries have an agenda. Are there occassional inconsistencies in his analysis? Probably, none of us are without inconsistency. Is he a charlatan? Deliberately setting out to mislead? I dont think so.

As to the whole Disney thing.....Why are we so worried about when Moore knew? Is nobody bothered that Disney wont distibute a film which criticises Bush and his administration? I find that the more worrying thing frankly

Last edited by DanaC; 05-09-2004 at 11:17 AM.
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