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Old 11-09-2016, 07:28 AM   #3
Join Date: May 2015
Posts: 660
Hell, all over Europe and Russia copper scavenging is a huge problem! Even in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone they've found evidence of people ripping apart structures for the copper wiring. I'd bet there are some folks in every US urban area who'd be willing to muck through landfills for the stuff--greedy, like stupid, is pervasive these days. Offer people a free gas mask, 10% return on coins, and a suitable percentage return on things like jewelry, old metal toys, and wiring, and I'd bet our landfills would be sifted as thoroughly as pigs will turn over your compost pile if you throw handfuls of corn kernels in as you build it up. Offer increasing-percentage-return incentives on things like separating biodegradables from others, and dumps might start turning a profit.

If what all the Democrat predictions are saying and my entire family is about to be starving and homeless (because all of us are on disability, which of course the fearful believe is in the top 5 things Trump will ruin before going on trial for assorted non-political crimes), I can imagine there are families out there with kids to try to support who'd be willing to 'suit up' and go digging. I can even imagine territory fights breaking out over garbage from the richest neighborhoods! If Philly coughs up over $300K a year in just coins, imagine what kind of stuff gets deliberately or accidentally chucked in Beverly Hills...
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