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Old 09-18-2016, 06:59 AM   #25
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: West Yorkshire
Posts: 24,185
I adore musicals. I was talking to Carr last night - I'm trying to get him to sing to me (with no success so far)
Being raised Catholic, pretty much the whole family will sing at the drop of a hat, because so much of Mass is sung you lose any inhibitions.

Choosing my favourite musical would be like choosing a favourite child.
But I think I like the ones which other people may not know better than the ones they do. Not out of superiority, but because they've ended up feeling like family currency.

How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying for example. You cannot say, "Well it's been a long day" in my parents' flat without everyone present bursting into song. Or at least Mum and I.

Of the really well known ones, we all love Singin' in the Rain, but are more likely to sing "Make 'Em Laugh" than the titular song. Oh, and Donald O'Connor dances far better than Gene Kelly. Just FTR.

I grew up on opera (from Mum - because Grandad worked at Covent Garden Opera House) and Andrew Lloyd Webber musicals (Dads - he liked the tunes, I liked the lyrics).

When I was in St Anne's I often sang songs from Chess in the bath. Not one of their collaborations, but a splendeid match of Benni & Bjorn from Abba and Tim Rice. Sorry - SIR Tim Rice.

Loved Les Mis - not so much the film, but I saw it about 7 times live when it was at The Palace. Funny how your tastes change over the years. I used to hate Gavroche because he was a bratty child. But I was 16. Now I wish his full song had been in the film version.

Guys and Dolls - which I was in, in my am-dram days - has some really spanking songs. I hate hoovering, but I find it goes quite well with Sit Down You're Rocking the Boat if you really belt it out.

I can carry a tune in a bucket, but have susch a limited vocal range. Shower songs, and hoovering songs are great, because when it gets too high or too low you can just change octaves. No-one will hear or know!
Life's hard you know, so strike a pose on a Cadillac
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