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Old 08-31-2016, 05:56 AM   #6
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: West Yorkshire
Posts: 24,185
Moar medical drams.
Trust me - if you find it boring, imagine living it. I'm so weary of being ill.

Last night I had a nosebleed.
A nosebleed! It's nothing! It wasn't gushing out or anything. But it didn't stop.
So after about 2 hours I called 111. For advice. If it had been during the day I'd have nipped into Superdrug or Boots or whatever. I was NOT trying to make this into a drama.

But they ask questions. And you have to tell them the truth otherwise why bother to call.
111 operator had a clinician call me back. My history meant my symptoms got me red-flagged ("soccer" term maybe, but means danger pretty much everywhere in the Western world)
Clinician had the Out Of Hours GP call me from Leeds. Red flag again.
He called a G-D ambulance. Against my express wishes.
An ambulance for a little nosebleed? Ridiculous.

So they pitch up & turns out I have extremely high blood pressure, very low oxgen levels and my blood sugar liver is also wrong.
They asked twice if I was a smoker (no) or diabetic (no) as I obvs looked like the sort of plum who might forget these things).
Off to hospital with me...NO. I am not going to hospital. I was assertive. Told the female paramedic I'd lost more blood from trying to break in my shoes for Mum's birthday than I had from my nose.

Had an appointment with a GP today anyway. A follow-up after my discharge from hospital.

I still have worryingly high blood pressure and all the rest. And abdominal pain. Yeah - you're pressing on me when I need a wee.
15 minute appointment took an hour.
I left refusing (politely) to go into hospital. Like, what are they going to do? A minimum of 24 hours on SAU (assessment ward) where I don't get my meds. or fed, or even given water until a Consultant sees me. NO.

I'm fine.

Lovely little baby Doctor calling me back today to check up on me.
She looks like Lily Allen without the make-up (which is appropriate for Lily Allen but not a GP)

Oh - was in contact with my Passepartout (Carruthers) throughout)
He has a lovely pic of the loo roll I was pressing to my nose.
He may share it if you ask nicely.
Life's hard you know, so strike a pose on a Cadillac
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