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Old 08-20-2016, 09:43 AM   #46
Radical Centrist
Join Date: Jan 2001
Location: Cottage of Prussia
Posts: 31,423
So when you get a brain tumor and come here to share your deep shit...

... but a third of the people aren't following Facebook at all,

... and another third are following it casually,

... and Facebook doesn't show all posts to everyone,

Most of the Dwellars will say they don't really know you, you are just a handle and a tumor to them! So good luck with all that, but the Internet is full of semi-anonymous people with handles and tumors. We are going to support our friends who have shared things with us, not semi-anonymous people with handles and tumors.

Take your tumor to Facebook! If your post is found to be "important" by the FB algorithm, they MAY show it to all your friends who logged in to FB during the hours following your post. That will *probably* happen if your friends notice and react to your post, and reply to it. *probably*

Of course the post about your tumor is going to be sandwiched by an ad and a post about the most recent dumb thing Trump did, so the impact is a little diminished. Maybe you can put "ATTENTION EVERYBODY" so people do pick it up. Of course people are putting "ATTENTION EVERYBODY" on posts about lost cats of people they don't know, so... uh....

I know maybe you can make a FUNNY VIDEO about the tumor? If it goes viral your Kickstarter will cover your meds!

Who is going to solve this terrible problem of community on the Internet not being REAL community? Where can we turn to, now that we hate all our real life friends for their horrible politics and ridiculous, petty concerns?


Nah, not really. Usta be. Good luck out there.
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