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Old 08-14-2016, 08:24 AM   #474
Join Date: May 2015
Posts: 660
One thing really puzzles me, tho...

Ppl LOVE GoT. Like, "should this fictional character be calling the cops about stalkers and creepers" love.

Ppl LOVE LotR the same way.

We already know we can't have Dragonriders of Pern, which sucks now that CGI could do what Michael Whelan did for the paperbacks (which he obviously DID read before painting the covers). Rendered as they were described in the books and painted by Mr. Whelan, they'd be freakin' spectacular.

...And we already know there are a zillion or so LotR knockoffs out there. Why has no one optioned the ripped-off but extensive and detail-rich Memory, Sorrow & Thorn trilogy by Tad Williams? The Dragonbone Chair. The Stone of Farewell. To Green Angel Tower (which is so thick they had to break the paperback release into 2 books). The swords alone! One forged from a meteor, one grown by forcing iron and iron-allergic "witchwood" to cooperate. Forget how they got the third as it's been a while since I could read anything longer than a magazine article . There are elves (Sithi). There are nightmare swamp bugs. There are prophecies and royal lines of descent. There are even dwarves of a sort (short tribes based on Arctic aboriginals like the Inuit and Tlingit) who ride bighorn rams! Hell, Whelan did the cover art on the hardback trio! Someone get on would easily make a minimum 2-season epic!
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