Thread: Moving
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Old 08-03-2016, 07:36 PM   #9
Crimson Ghost
Larger than life and twice as ugly.
Join Date: Apr 2004
Posts: 5,264
Thanks for the good vibes, everyone.
The Wife thanks you too.

Originally Posted by Undertoad View Post
Couple thoughts

The stuff of life... I know you put that line in your sig well before any of this started.

Middle age: means everyone I know is getting very sick. This part really sucks. They didn't tell us about this.

I know for certain that the gift of an old car can be the lifeline that you hold onto when things go astray.

It seems like any group of adults is just as likely to devolve into high school level drama. Finding adults that don't devolve, seems to be pretty difficult. I know it's the reason I'm making music with the people I currently am; there's almost no drama with these people. It's worth sticking around for.

I believe that the time to go off the meds is when your numbers look good and the doc says you can. That is just what I believe. It may have worked out this time and you got lucky with your liver. Next time, maybe you get unlucky as you did when you first played doctor on yourself, and decided pain don't hurt.

Lastly Metformin could be a wonder drug and you may want to be on it after all
If I had known I'd live this long, I'd have taken better care of myself.

I agree, stopping the meds cold was possibly a dumb move, but the side effects at that time were, in my mind, worse. I got really lucky.

All the high school bullshit had to go. I'm 45 years old, I don't have time for that shit.

Originally Posted by BigV View Post
I'm totally stealing this, and I ain't even married anymore.
Go for it.
We must all go through a rite of passage. It must be physical, it must be painful, and it must leave a mark.

I have no knowledge of the events which you are describing, and if I did have knowledge of them,
I would be unable to discuss them with you now or at any future period.

Don't waste your time always searching for those wasted years
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