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Old 05-18-2016, 04:36 PM   #57
We have to go back, Kate!
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: Yorkshire
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Zombie thread!

I was walking through town on the way home today, and I saw a chap with his dog. Dog was on a lead, walking perfectly fine, and the chap stopped outside Boots (large pharmacy store), left his dog outside the door and went in. Left the dog outside without tying its lead to anything. Just sitting there on its own on the pavement, on the high street during the busiest part of the day. It was clearly a well-behaved dog - didn't try and go anywhere - but ffs, the traffic that time of day, right near the bus station, as the school buses are all coming through is really busy and a little chaotic (albeit at slow speeds). Plus loads of people milling about.

No way could I leave my dog like that. I'd be worried he'd take it into his head to chase a piegeon, or wander into the road (no fucking road sense whatsoever). Not to mention the potential for dognapping. The only times I leave my dog outside a shop, he's tied up, and it's only ever the little village shop or bakery, where I can keep an eye on him from inside. Even then I'm anxious to get right back out to him quick sharp, just because of dog thieves (who are known to operate in this area).

t'other week, mum and were in the car parked up outside the chippy (mum had treated us to curry and chips ;p) on a main road, near a mad busy junction at tea time, so rush hour traffic, and a chap was strolling along with three big dogs, all off the lead, padding along behind him. He had to cross the road whilst the traffic was stopped at the lights, and he and the dogs just weaved in and out of the cars.

I swear I just don't get it. Why risk it? Just put them on a fucking lead. There are loads of places round here to walk a dog off their leads for some free running, why risk it on a busy road?
There's only so much punishment a man can take in pursuit of punani. - Sundae
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