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Old 03-15-2016, 05:42 PM   #6
When Do I Get Virtual Unreality?
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: Raytown, Missouri
Posts: 12,719
I attempted to get the bike out of the driveway yesterday by passing too near my wife's car and over a pile of leaf debris. It didn't work, bike got stuck, then wanted to fall over. Bike is very heavy, so I began screaming for help

Roommate and wife come to the rescue. My car keys are required so that my vehicle and wife's can be moved to free the now pretty much fallen over, and laying on the camper tongue, bike. After frantic searching on the part of wife, keys are found to be in my pocket for some unknown reason.

Meanwhile, a herd of dogs has gotten out the front door and are now milling about smartly while roommate and wife are trying to move cars. Then, for some reason, cars run into one another, further wedging bike against wife's car. The Screaming was due to (1) discomfort (I'm still trying to keep the bike from falling completely over and it weighs 660#), (2) frustration, and (3) because all of us are varying degrees of hard of hearing these days, and I wanted to avoid increasing the frustration level by having to say the same things multiple times.

Finally, cars are moved without running over any dogs, the neighbor, having heard the commotion, arrived to help get the bike back upright while other neighbor is carrying our escape artist dog back to us from down the street (this has become so common that she knows the dog's name).

Summary: No real damage done to any of the vehicles, and I'm an idiot.
"To those of you who are wearing ties, I think my dad would appreciate it if you took them off." - Robert Moog
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