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Old 04-29-2004, 11:26 PM   #6
stays crispy in milk
Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: A strange planet called Utah
Posts: 270
Well I have already told my, almost getting killed by a moose story in this thread.

Having be raised on a farm around animals I have almost been (and have been) seriously hurt on a number of occasion. I also worked at an animal shelter for a while and got cornered in the dog runs a few times by a not so happy dog. The runs were 8 ft tall and opened from the outside so getting out in a hurry was not an easy task.

Of all the times I was in danger around animals, the most memorable (aside from the moose story above) was when I was 2. My grandpa would raise Turkeys every year and then sell them for Thanksgiving. A nearly full grown turkey will stand a good 3 ft tall, and being that I was 2, they were taller then me. One day my Dad told me to go in and feed them. I walked into their pen with a bucket full on food and got mobbed by 100 Turkeys. This sea of Turkeys all taller then me, pushing on me and pecking at me scared me and I ran from them, screaming. They gave chase, and every time I screamed they answered back with loud Turkey gobbles, scaring me even more. At some point I tripped and was soon surrounded by all the Turkeys. I was on the ground and so couldn't get up, and therefore couldn't escape the birds pecking at me. I was screaming bloody murder and I don't know how long I lay on the ground being tormented by these birds, but at some point my Grandpa came and picked me up out of the sea of birds and carried me to safety.
I hate Turkeys to this day, and couldn't be happier that we eat thousands of them every year on Thanksgiving. Stupid Turkeys.

I have a number of other stories but I don't think they are nearly as interesting as the Turkey and the Moose stories.

EDIT: Fixed a few grammar errors
I cant think of anything to put here so this is all I am going to write.

Last edited by Brigliadore; 04-29-2004 at 11:32 PM.
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