Thread: Does it Matter?
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Old 02-24-2016, 07:38 AM   #13
Radical Centrist
Join Date: Jan 2001
Location: Cottage of Prussia
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if you don't vote, you lose the ability to bitch about the outcome.


oh wait, no you don't, you are free to bitch about whatever you like in this god-forsaken world. holy crap all these people worried about fascism are claiming the loss of some sort of right to bitch. how does it work? last time i checked there was no restriction at all. i didn't vote, comments sections are still available to me and people take me the exact same amount of serious.

It's just as effective too. If you elect a fascist, turns out, the complaints become currency! Oh no they don't, it turns out bitching does absolutely nothing. Oh well it was very important that we retained that right!



"the good person" is the person YOU wanted to win

"the bad person" is the person YOU didn't want

and by definition in a close election where voting would actually matter, half the people are able to find the "bad" in one and the "good" in the other

and which one it is, is actually rather arbitrary and is largely a condition of your psychology, whom you were born to, whom you have spent time with, what happened in your lifetime, and how effective the colors in the logo and lawn signs are

and you've spent half your lifetime living under "bad" people's time in office and you are still here and still have, miraculously, the right to bitch


If you want a candidate to win it is a MUCH better use of your time to put up lawn signs, than it is to vote. In fact, if the BAD person wins, and you didn't put up lawn signs, I'm not sure where you are. You could have prevented fascism but all you did was fucking vote. The amount of influence you chose to have resulted in failure. I don't where how you have earned the right to bitch if you didn't put up lawn signs.
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