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Old 02-08-2016, 02:05 PM   #11224
Junior Master Dwellar
Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: Buckinghamshire UK
Posts: 4,059
My 1991 VW Passat Estate passed its MoT (annual road worthiness test) today.

It was Dad's car but he gave up driving several years ago so it was signed over to me.

I kept my horrible little Peugeot, a mere sixteen years old, on the basis that the Passat would probably reach the end of the road sooner rather than later.

Dad's mobility is so poor that he can only get into the VW and even that tends to be a long winded process.

There's always the possibility of the need to take him to the hospital or Doc's at very short notice as well so that's another reason I've ended up with two cars.

It passed first time so no repairs or maintenance were needed. It has only done just over a thousand miles since the last test so it hasn't been exactly punished and has a total mileage of 68k.

I shouldn't think that either car is worth much more than scrap value and they probably cost more to tax and insure than they are worth.

I never thought that I'd say this, but I look forward to the day when I can give up driving.

With a bit of luck I'll keep one or both cars in serviceable order until that day arrives.
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