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Old 01-31-2016, 01:22 PM   #2
Goon Squad Leader
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: Seattle
Posts: 27,063
1. How long has it been since you peed outside?
7 days.

2. When you take a shower, do you cool down the hot water, or, warm up the cold water?
I strive to make the maximum hotness of my water tolerable, even if barely. I had a friend who had a seizure in the shower, felll and knocked the water to full hot. He lay there in the hot water long enough to be severely burned over a huge percentage of his body. He was in the hospital for weeks, and literally scarred for life. Therefore, my choice of hot water setting. My answer is maximum hot, full blast, and it's ah-ah-ahaaahhh. But not diluted with the cold.

3. If you could have any wild animal for a pet, with a guarantee it would never hurt you, or anyone else, what would it be?
A crow.

4. Besides increasing size, if you could change the house/apartment you live in just by wishing it, what would you change.
I wish the house was paid off. Other than that, I'd like to finish finishing the basement.

5. Are you left-handed?
Mostly no. I can bat left handed, and when I played water polo my best buddy, Peter, and I would regularly drill with two balls, passing and catching simultaneously. I understand the prurient appeal of this explanation. In context, it was entirely lacking in sexuality. Outside that context, not so much.

6. Do you have a pet rfn? What is it/are they?
Yes. Fish in two large (80 gallon-ish) tanks, two dogs, Jack and Andy, and four cats, Angel, Jasper, Caesar, and Cleopatra, Cleo for short.

7. What color is the vehicle you drive most?

8. What movie have you seen the most times?
Blazing Saddles, or It's A Wonderful Life, or Young Frankenstein (Mel Brooks is a big deal in our house too).

9. What's the most annoying thing about the neighbor living closest to you?
The neighbors I have now are cool. There are some dogs around here that aren't controlled well and sometimes come into our yard, which drives our dogs nuts, which is annoying enough, but also lures, tempts, distracts our dogs from staying in our own damn yard. Except for the getting hit by a car, I wouldn't care so much. But I'm still paying on the last $400+ vet bill from the last car vs dog bout, so I really appreciate all efforts to keep them in the yard. I used to have neighbors that were concerned that I abuse and neglected my animals, to the point of calling the cops and animal control on me. Cops gave me this pro tip "don't engage her".

10. How far from where you were born do you now live?
2500 miles give or take. Born in Ohio, live in Washington.
Be Just and Fear Not.
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