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Old 01-29-2016, 08:43 AM   #3
Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: Austin, TX
Posts: 20,012
I just got my first piece of hate mail!

So this guy wrote yesterday:


Someone sent me a link to your book/site. I was really surprised to see your site contains no easily accessible way to see what the GFCF diet even is, or why people should follow it. Some advice from someone who has been there - get a description or even a link (but that would lose you CPM) up FAST before the book drops so people know what you're talking about. Maybe an excerpt from the book, which must contain this information?

Best of luck with your book.
I assumed he was a "give me money and I'll help you promote your site" guy, because I get those on a fairly regular basis. But it was at least personalized instead of generic, so I wrote back:

Hi J,

Well the truth is, we've moved beyond the GFCF diet, as detailed in this post here:

The book does contain a little information about the GFCF diet, but only as one step on our journey. I'm very much not about telling other people what they should do, or trying to convince them of anything. I just don't have the stomach for it. The memoir really is about the whole story, not just one (of several) diets we did. But rest assured, there will be an excerpt posted on soon, as well as on other major news outlets. The publisher has whole marketing teams to take care of that. Thanks for your suggestions, and I hope you like the book!

And then... things escalated quickly.

Whole marketing teams! My goodness!

Oh, I have no intention of reading it. I was just curious as to how someone would proclaim herself "The X Lady" with a website and a supporting book, yet never bother to describe what the hell the X is and why one would have, or not, tried it. You further confuse the reader by not making it clear that you have currently sidestepped away from the quackery of your book. Because if it weren't quackery, you'd still be following it...right? I will, instead of looking for it on Goodreads, instead look for it on I'd bet $10 you're an anti-vaxxer, too. Oh, and I might be blogging about it, too.

Blocking your email, you parasitic pathogen.
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