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Old 01-20-2016, 07:41 AM   #1059
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: Arlington, VA
Posts: 27,717
Our snow removal here isn't all that great. These big storms are so rare that it's economically foolish to buy and maintain all that equipment to prepare for them. This is both on the government level and also on the homeowner level. I don't own a snow blower. If it snowed every year, then I would splurge for one. The county has snow plows, but not enough for a 3 foot storm. There are 1,000 miles of roads to plow in this little county. Where do you even put 3 feet of snow you remove from the roads? The answer for some of it is you haul it to school parking lots and pile it up where you melt it in a snow melter.

If we get three feet of snow, the main roads will be cleared but the residential streets will be impassible for about a week. We have a grocery store a block away, which is fantastic, but it's a smaller store that very few people normally use for much more than running to get a gallon of milk. It isn't large enough to serve as the main store for all the houses in walking distance. Its shelves will be bare except for that one lonely dust covered jar of gefilte fish. The resupply trucks will have trouble restocking the store.

All this is to say that snow is fun, but 3 feet is worrysome.

Growing up in Maine, 3 feet was awesome! You had a one day snow day and then the roads were clear and you had all these huge snow piles to burrow in and make forts.

Cross your fingers for 15 inches.
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