Thread: Cellar Dreamin'
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Old 01-08-2016, 05:12 AM   #240
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: West Yorkshire
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Carruthers on my mind again!

Last night I dreamed I'd opted into a Goverment scheme for people who had mental health/ addiction issues currently or in the past. It was called a One Way card, (it was pink, FTR) and you received more benefits if you agreed to have your payments made to it.

It could only be used for food, but if you needed to access your money for another reason (I assume paying bills?!) you could do so if it was signed off by your GP or a religious minister.

I was trying to talk Carruthers into getting a pretendy certification so he could sign purchases off for me. Like a mail-order degree, not illegal, but not really valid either. For some reason he was protesting. Must have gone against his Jedi ideals or something.
Life's hard you know, so strike a pose on a Cadillac
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