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Old 01-01-2016, 09:03 AM   #3
Join Date: Feb 2003
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Outstanding, Bruce - I really like these posts.

An autobiography written in the middle ages - without centuries of editing and layer after layer of revisions - anthropological gold.

Interesting story about how the book was re-discovered. I would have cut-n-pasted it but Google Books makes that difficult. Short version: 1934: some folks in England were playing ping-pong in the basement and needed to find another ball so started poking around and in an old cupboard, came across some very old leather-bound books. Turns out one of the folks was with a museum and had them analyzed and discovered one of them was the autobiography in question.

Who knows... maybe Margery nudged them to find it :-)

I found an online copy of the original but its nearly unreadable - a more readable translation is on Google books .
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