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Old 04-27-2004, 02:27 PM   #12
Lady Sidhe
That's my story and I'm stickin' to it....
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: Hammond, La.
Posts: 978
A rabid horse?! *trying to imagine Cujo as a horse* That's probably the most unusual animal I've ever heard of getting rabies. I did some research and it said that ANY mammal can get it.

Speaking of which, I once had a dog that got rabies. Poor thing...and his behavior was quite unusual. He wasn't aggressive, but he did his best to avoid everyone, only growling when anyone got near him. He also foamed at the mouth, an extreme salivation. He died the same day. I found out later that not all animals become vicious, that it's more of a psychotic reaction to sound that makes them attack.

What a horrible disease. Especially for an animal who doesn't have any idea of what's happening.

I commented on rabies because two people I know have recently been possibly exposed. One got the series of post-prophylactic shots, and the other (TS) getting a tetnus shot tomorrow.

We have a psycho cat that hangs around our house. I say psycho because he'll let you pet him for days, with no problem, but will be hissing at you the whole time (?)...then, out of the blue, he'll attack your hand with teeth and claws. He's been hanging around for a while, and he eats like a pig; since rabies causes trouble swallowing, I don't think he's infected. I think he's just psycho. We might end up having to call animal control, though, to make sure. I don't like the idea of killing the animal unnecessarily, because if he's just nutty, it's not his fault, and he shouldn't die for it. But TS is a bit more important to me than a stray....

My free will...I never leave home without it.

Someday I want to be rich. Some people get so rich they lose all respect for humanity. That's how rich I want to be.
-Rita Rudner

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