Thread: Paris attacks
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Old 11-20-2015, 04:52 PM   #73
I love it when a plan comes together.
Join Date: Oct 2009
Posts: 9,793
Tw, you seem to be obsessed with dicks, are you a latent homosexual?

Your developmental disability makes you see everyone who disagrees with you as an extremist. It's not real, it's your delusion. Many of those who have differing opinions have access to information that you do not have. You're completely dependent on open source information and are quite frankly not very good at interpreting it; because, you haven't lived're just an armchair commentator. When you talk too much about these things while not being well grounded in reality, it makes you look like a whacko moderate and reflects poorly on all moderates. We normal moderates would appreciate it if you would not identify yourself with us anymore. Thanks in advance.
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