Thread: Paris attacks
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Old 11-15-2015, 06:01 AM   #24
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
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I don't think you can help how you feel.
I roll my eyes at people who sob when bands break up, who leave shabby garage forecourt flowers on lamp-posts when schoolfriends die (but don't take them away when they rot), who leave toys and cards about angels when little children are killed - which would be better donated to families who are in poverty.

I think they are maudlin and possibly have a low IQ.

But I think that feeling shock and outrage at mass murder in a place you have personally been, and sadness that humanity is not as humane as we like to picture it, is reasonable.

This is not directed at you, Infi, or Sexobon, or anyone else.
And I'm not weeping and wailing all over social media.
The French will roll with this. Their problems with religion/ tolerance/ racism have existed for years. Echoes of a colonial past (ditto UK)

Just hope when the next attack comes it isn't us again.
100% selfish. 100% how I feel.
Life's hard you know, so strike a pose on a Cadillac
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