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Old 10-13-2015, 06:21 PM   #6056
Not Suspicious, Merely Canadian
Join Date: Oct 2006
Posts: 3,774
Being unemployed is a risk for gaining weight, I'm finding ... so easy to buy treats and treat every evening like the weekend; nibble on pumpkin loaf, pumpkin cheesecake (just a little one), apple pie (another little one), all those little treats bought to comfort oneself. A bite at a time, a pound at a time.

Well! It seems my husband has either been selfish or taken one for the team, as the cheesecake, the cookies, and pumpkin loaf have disappeared. I have to fall back on my homemade guac and my grapes for this evening. All of which is good, and I know I'll thank him tomorrow, and if he actually ate all that stuff he'll suffer for it tonight and then be able to work it off in the gym because he doesn't have arthritis ... so I will pretend I really wanted the grapes anyway. But it's mildly irritating me tonight, even though it's for the best. I hate being managed.
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