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Old 01-18-2002, 10:39 AM   #14
Regulator of Squalor
Join Date: Jun 2001
Location: Columbus, OH
Posts: 37
Well, not to be difficult, Nic, but I didn't see a lot of substantive argument in your last post. I made my points, in a fairly dispassionate manner, and you largely ignored them. But to continue/conclude my argument against your stance...

<b>And as far as hamlet's inference that smoking parents can be good parents and the State ought not to step in and wretch the children from their natural parents ... the point that was raised by me for discussion is the issue of custody disputes between two caring and lawful parents. In such a case, whether smokers like to hear about it or not, the fact is that courts are taking into consideration the health risks to the children of the environment of a smoker's home compared to a non-smoker's home. Also, courts are prudently placing conditions on child access to restrict a smoking parent from smoking in the presence of their children for their sake.</b>

And I am arguing that this is absolutely wrong. There are SO many things that people do as parents that could be construed by the state as detrimental to the well being of a child. Yes, smoking is one of them. But so is arguing in front of them... How about drinking in front of them? That's legal for us, but illegal for them. I'm sure they'll be more likely to drink before 21 if they see that mom or dad do it.... How about divorce itself? That bad for children. Should we ban divorce for the good of the children?

I guess I have just two more tangental points before I drop this argument:

1. Just because the state (by legislation or by judicial verdict) says something is wrong, that doesn't make it wrong. Government does not have a monopoly on wisdom, nor does it never make mistakes. (see: Prohibition and the current failed War on Drugs) Those who make the laws are people too... They have an agenda and a bias... They make mistakes.

2. "Won't someone think of the children!?" has got to be the most overused and annoying argument ever. We're raising generation after generation of people essentially unequiped for dealing with the realities of adult life. We don't trust most kids to lead their own lives until their early twenties now. And even then they are inadequately prepared. Quit "protecting" them so much. You're not doing them any favors.

One final note: If you think that the people involved in the divorces you cite are being altruists, you really should wake up. I guarentee you that (like all other decisions we humans make) they're selfish individuals using the "smoking" card to manipulate someone into giving them their way. If they were so damn worried about the health of the child, why did they marry a smoker in the first place? Smoking should be a very minor factor, and certainly not a deciding one, in determining something as important as child custody.



P.S. Whoever's .sig reads: "If salmon are outlawed, only outlaws will have salmon." has a good friggin' point.
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