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Old 09-19-2015, 10:01 PM   #10912
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: West Yorkshire
Posts: 24,185
Happy/ sad/ I dunno and all that.

Was booked in to get my tattoo yesterday.
My sobriety tattoo and one which also remembers Brianna, although without her name because I don't do that kinda thing.
It was a push, financially, but I knew it was worth it because I've been thinking about it for such a long time, and baby girl (what she called me) is still dead.

Anyway. Me being me and having issues with public transport, I left it til the last second. Then rush rush rush, onto the bus, trying not to kill the silly girls sat at the back singing in tiny thready voices, obviously dreaming of being popstars. I mean I could've belted out It's a Fine Life and blown them out the back window, but I'm nicerer than that.

Anyway, get to tattoo parlour.
Artist of choice, who I made the appointment with over a month ago (I have actually been saving) has had a family emergency.
"We did try to call you..."
I screamed at them, "I've had a G-D family emergency, my Mum has cancer, my Dad has dementia and my friend is dead!"
Okay, I didn't. But I sat down and cried. Had to explain to (very nice) tattooist who was there, that it's been a tough couple of days, and apologised for over-reacting.

So this is the happy thread, you're thinking. Where is the happy, Sundae?
Well after I dried my eyes I had a lovely day in Leeds. The money I'd set aside for the tattoo went on a new phone - I really did need one as mine has conked out randomly, recently, and it's now VERY important for me to be contactable. And a haircut. And some lip-gloss. And re-buying The Walking Dead seasons 1-4.

Brianna would completely pardon me. I'm sorry babba - I did try. You'd laugh. If you were still here you'd laugh your cotton socks off at my random attempts to immortalise you.
Life's hard you know, so strike a pose on a Cadillac
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