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Old 09-08-2015, 07:20 AM   #4
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: Arlington, VA
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My parents just got back from a river cruise in Europe. At one point, the Danube was too dry, so they got put on to busses to complete the trip. I asked them about the refugees since they were in Austria and Hungary, among other places.

This is their email from 3 days ago.

Today we crossed the border from Austria on the autobahn. There was a ~10 mile traffic jam at the border on the side entering Austria, also some tent villages in rest areas in both countries, and a couple of police checkpoints that caused smaller traffic jams between the border and Budapest. There was one field beside the highway in Hungary where a cleanup crew with trucks and pay loaders were clearing rubble from what looked like a previous large encampment, now empty of people. Finally in Budapest we got a glimpse of a tent village in a park behind a wall. There were also occasional persons or small groups walking along the autobahn. Traffic flowing east and life in the main tourist areas of Budapest appeared normal.
There were at least a dozen buses (like city buses, not greyhound) sitting on the Hungarian side of the border filled with refugees. I found it very sad. What has their life been like, what kind of future do they have and how courageous and scared they must be right now.
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