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Old 08-29-2015, 08:52 AM   #32
Join Date: May 2015
Posts: 660
Some (hopefully) interesting factoids on deer and other critters...

Freight trains in moose habitat attach huge chevron-shaped steel pieces to the front of the lead locomotive, because a bull moose in breeding season is aggressive enough to stay on the tracks with its head down and wait for the "challenger" to come to him. No, he won't survive...but he can derail the train in the process if it doesn't have a 'moose kicker' on the front.

Recent molecular DNA research shows that the mule deer may be a hybrid between whitetails and the Sitka and Columbia black-tailed deer. Some research also suggests that the majority of this hybridization took place as recently as 8,000 years ago.

In some eastern seaboard areas where hunting is strictly forbidden and the forest isn't stocked with nutritious plants, deer overpopulation has led to worse things than vehicle hits and garden destruction. Some areas are so short of trace minerals and other crucial nutrients that deer will gnaw fresh roadkill and have been filmed eating live songbirds! It follows a fallen baby that's too young to fly, ignoring its parents' mobbing and then just randomly grabbing and eating the grounded bird. (dead ones, too)

I've only seen still shots of adult and subadult whitetails gnawing on large roadkill, and I'm not doing an image search for that because I'm sure there's a relevant watchlist I don't want to land on! The solution isn't supplementary feeding or further protection from hunting, but the eastern US seems to have a serious concentration of people who think the value of a wild animal is measured in how cute it is. I've got a strong enough stomach to watch the documentary series Infested, and what a colony of (legally protected from all harm save natural predation and provable accidents) squirrels can do to a home and the family living in it is both disgusting and terrifying.
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