Thread: Running the 10K
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Old 08-24-2015, 12:19 PM   #22
Lola Bunny
Junior Master Dwellar
Join Date: May 2011
Posts: 2,728
Sexobon: I don't wear that many layers, just one. There's always one or two other I spot with long sleeves and long pants like me though. Skin cancer is a bitch.

Griff: Thanks!

Today was a set back for me. I didn't exercise the last 3 days, so mentally, I'm paying for it. There were several things different with my schedule, and I used them as excuses to do less. After dropping my nephew off to school at 8, I drove to the park. What normally takes 15 mins., took me almost 45 mins. I didn't start jogging until 9ish. Don't know what the temp was, but it was hot and the sun felt hotter. I didn't drink enough water the day before nor this morning, so I was thirsty. I meant to eat a banana earlier because I had dinner at 5 the day before but forgot. The bottom line was, I was mentally lazy. Hehe....yes, I could have push it, but I was overly indulgent to my lazy self and stopped at 2.74 miles. I walked the rest of the way to 3 miles. I would've walked more except my bunion started to hurt. It doesn't hurt to jog but sure does when walking. Well, I'm going to give myself a good spanking tonight and try harder tomorrow.
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