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Old 07-27-2015, 08:12 AM   #1
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: West Yorkshire
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One Hundred Tiny Prizes

This might be the last Christmas I have with my father AS my father.

So I am slowly trying to accrue a pile of presents for him and Mum.
Nothing expensive - for example one of Mum's will be a book of stamps. Which is how they're sold here, it's not a book about stamps! But she will use them because she's like me (or rather I'm like her) and likes to send things through the post.

Plan is to get lickle things every fortnight.

And then, on Christmas morning, give them a big bag of prizes to open. Like you had as a child every Christmas. We had real presents, which were under the tree and wouldn't be opened until we came back from Mass. But even when things were tough, we always had a stocking or a sack, sneaked into our room (which the three of us usually shared because there were rellies staying).
That is the magical feeling I want to recreate.

Sadly, it's harder to buy for Dad than Mum. His whole world has shrunk. He's lost interest and pleasure in so much. But I guess he'll get with the excitement regardless, in the same way a child will laugh at a joke they don't understand just because everyone else is laughing.

And I can make Mum happy.
So far I've bought her matching shampoo, conditioner and hair oil (see what I mean about tiny prizes?) shower gel, a biscuit tin and a face mask.
Dads has a book and an eggcup. The book is totes amazeballs though. Can't share in case I decide to get one for someone's Secret Santa.

I'll keep thee updated.
Life's hard you know, so strike a pose on a Cadillac
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