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Old 07-13-2015, 12:40 PM   #527
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: West Yorkshire
Posts: 24,185
I've mentioned somewhere on here that I'm going down to London/ Surrey/ Aylesbury at the beginning of August.

My brother is taking part in a 100 mile bike ride, and wants someone to whoop and holler on the hardest part of the course (climbing Box Hill).
Going down the night before, staying in London - courtesy of my bro - then travelling down to Surrey. I really want a shooting stick, so I have somewhere to sit if it rains. I'll have to carry my overnight bag with me, but I learned my lesson from Arran. I'll take two outfits and clean knickers, and a roll-up plastic mac and that's IT!

Because after London I'll be travelling back via Aylesbury, where I'm booked into the bedsit for two nights. Yay! We don't have any plans, it's just silly to travel more or less past Aylesbury and not take the chance to see the aged p's.

And I'm hoping to meet a dashing young Dwellar for lunch - or at least a cup of tea - on Monday. Wearing my flat shoes this time of course.

Steven's given my permission to share any photos, so no doubt there will be a lot of me, and some of Surrey
He says:
And if you want to share any of my photos with your friends on the Cellar, please feel free, but there are even more of my suffering on my sponsorship page (, so if you direct them to that with, maybe one of them might feel it's worth chucking a fiver my way at the same time!
It's not begging if it's for charity and not for me, is it?
Although really it is for me; Steven chose the charity for my benefit, bless him. My Brother the Superstar.

Anyway, if you're interested in cycling, photos of my family, pictures of Englishmen suffering, check out the website. It's a Virgin Fundraising page, but there's no strings atttached.
Life's hard you know, so strike a pose on a Cadillac
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