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Old 07-04-2015, 06:02 AM   #41
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: West Yorkshire
Posts: 24,185
Onto an Intercity train for the next leg to Glasgow Central.
Seat booked.
Some bugger was sat in it.

This made me feel extremely uncomfortable. I could have asked him to move, but there were other seats available, and I would have had to sit with people who knew I'd made a fuss for the rest of the trip.

So I went and sat in a different seat, but I fumed internally.
It upset me. I know, I know - it's absolutely nothing in the scheme of things. And it wasn't personal - he may have been on the train since London, he may have simply misread his own ticket. This is all connected to my present inability to put things in perspective, that's all.

Anyway. This was the shortest and easiest part of the journey, so I didn't have to suffer for long. Less than two hours later I was decanted in Caledonia and back to a familiar station. Again, the changes allowed plenty of time, so I spent a little £ on a "thank you in advance" prize for the Limey's. Guess who forgot Mr Limey is (very successfully) managing diabetes
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