Thread: Quiz Time
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Old 06-24-2015, 04:20 AM   #7
We have to go back, Kate!
Join Date: Apr 2004
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yeah - similarly - if I actually saw anybody drop something - including money - I'd let them know. But if I saw a £10 note on the ground and there was no immediately obvious sign of who dropped it - it's mine.

The bike question - I just know it wouldn't occur to me to lie in the moment.

And the hair question - as you say, is silly - there are other options and it's contextual: friend says 'what do you think of this hairstyle?' whilst messing around with styles preparing to go out- be honest. Friend asks how hair looks as we're getting into a taxi with no options for doing anything about it anyway - white lie.
There's only so much punishment a man can take in pursuit of punani. - Sundae
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