Thread: baltimore
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Old 04-28-2015, 05:22 PM   #30
Radical Centrist
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Originally Posted by henry quirk View Post
That's my point...thanks for straying from it...thanks for makin' your distaste for me known (again).

The distaste goes both ways, I assure you.
I assure you it doesn't. Respectful disagreement is what I founded this place for. Mature people discuss issues without considering it personal. I will point out flaws in your argument without finding you unworthy, and I will field flaws in my own argument without feeling diminished.

"in fact if "your" pharmacy was burning and the fire could be put out with your own water you would say you had no interest in the situation and it is not your business and they should manage their own affairs"

No "mebbe" about it, if this question had come up in any other thread, you'd be demanding that you have no involvement. I'm not being accusatory here, this is your basic philosophy.

but then I wouldn't have started the fire in the first place, so...
Either they are LITERALLY BURNING THEIR OWN PHARMACIES, or you have constructed a shitty analogy that doesn't even jive with your own basic philosophy. I'm going with B.

And it's a straw man. You have created an analogy that makes no sense: why would someone burn down their own house? It's not their house. It's not their pharmacy. It's not their grocery. I know you agree, it's your basic philosophy. So if you still don't understand, that's entirely on you. You wrote the analogy that you don't understand! Why don't you describe the terms more realistically and see if you understand that?
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