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Old 04-19-2015, 10:27 AM   #1
Operations Operative
Join Date: Feb 2004
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Posts: 578
Writing's on the wall

This week I learned of an upcoming meeting with HR that sounded ominous. I couldn't shake the feeling that the meeting was going to be aimed at me, because of the particular people invited, although I also could not think why such a meeting would be scheduled.

The meeting took place and it was bad. Someone who was on the point of being fired has filed a fabricated complaint against me for bullying, and threatened that if she is fired she will sue for discrimination/being retaliated against. My employer is not interested in my side; they just want to make this woman happy so she will not sue them. I am in shock. I am normally criticized for being too quiet, not being assertive enough. All I want to do is crawl into bed and cry.

I'm so stressed. I can't sleep, I can't eat, I can't settle down. I pace up and down and can't imagine how I will go to work tomorrow morning. This woman made up these allegations and there is no corroboration for her story. HR people talked to all the office staff and no one saw or heard what is supposed to have happened (because it never did). But apparently another person reported that I told her derogatory things about the first woman. I never ever speak with Person #2; she is chronically resentful that she wasn't sent for training in Florida in March, and she never speaks to me even when our jobs require it. It is not possible that I would ever share any thoughts with her, far less tell her negative opinions about someone else. But I'm not allowed to defend myself. My employer doesn't owe me due process.

I can't imagine how I can prevent it happening again - I will have to try never to be alone with any other co-worker, and even then they can make up fabrications. I am such an emotional and physical wreck today ... I am on trial at work. Whatever I do, I suspect my head is about to roll.
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