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Old 03-28-2015, 10:56 AM   #4
To shreds, you say?
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: in the house and on the street-how many, many feet we meet!
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Shit Ortho that does suck but as I've said before. "I'm shocked to discover gambling in this establishment."

If you look at that wealth income disparity graph I posted and flip it over you'll see how I recently realized it should be viewed, as a funnel showing where all the money flows. It's hard to imagine that the medical field, once a bastion of stability and guaranteed income safety has also fallen prey to the MBA idea of profit is the only thing that matters. Basically we have become a country of people run by sociopaths. I'm still in the job market, going to Voc Rehab now to try to be trained for a new profession. 20+ years training and experience as a photographer and the industry has pretty much vanished. One of the stupid jobs I applied to (CVS shelf stocker) required an hour long, pver the internet assessment just to submit an application. IT was essentially a meyers briggs sort of test with something like nine parts, each of which had been tweaked to be reflective of stocking shelves at a CVS. After all that I didn't even get an auto-reply. FFS

The rate at which everything is changing and the rate at which the money in the economy is getting sucked down that funnel makes it nearly impossible to anticipate what sector isn't at risk for outsourcing. I just heard a story on Vermont Public Radio about the restructuring of the 911 dispatchers to reduce the number of centers from 7 to 2 and have them serve a dozen counties with a fraction of the staff. The reason was "it would save a lot of money."

First, the obvious. Who the actual fuck thinks a dispatcher who is unfamiliar with the area being served is going to be helpful at all? Not any of the cops or firefighters who called in. At that rate they might as well outsource it to India,

"Yes, good evening. I would like to thank you for calling 911 emergency services tonight, My name is Karen, how may I provide you with excellent customer service today?"

"Hello? 911?"

"Yes. This is Karen, at 911. May I ask you what is your first name, please?"


"I would like to thank you again for your patience, John, could you please tell me what is the nature of your emergency today, please?"

"I'm bleeding very heavily, I've cut my arm, everything is going black."

"I see. I am so sorry to hear that John. Could I please get some information from you about where you are calling from at this moment?"

"East Cupcake, Vermont."

"Thank you for that information, John. So you are in East Cupcake, on what street?"

"Elysium Boulevard, just off the Brachial artery... Hurry."

"I don't see Elysium Boulevard in East Cupcake, what other towns are nearby? John? Hello? This is East Cupcake in Hew Hampshire, correct? John? Hello?

In a few minutes you will receive a follow up phone call from my supervisor asking you to rate the quality of this call. I hope I have given you superior customer service today. Please call us anytime at 911 whenever you have a life threatening emergency. Thank you once again."

Then there's the issue of "saving money" WTF does that mean? It means spending less money in your own fucking town. With 50 people out of work that's a lot of groceries and hardware store visits, fewer haircuts, renters, you name it. The money isn't "saved" it's being taken from the town and flushed down that funnel.

As always, I continue to hate everything.
The internet is a hateful stew of vomit you can never take completely seriously. - Her Fobs
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