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Old 03-03-2015, 11:37 AM   #14
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It looks as though this little tiff is over... finally

John Boehner Blinks, Will Allow For Clean Funding Of Department Of Homeland Security
Huffington Post - Elise Foley - 3/3/15
WASHINGTON -- The House will finally vote on a bill to fund the Department of Homeland Security
without immigration measures, Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) told his conference at a meeting on Tuesday.

The speaker told members there were only three ways forward for the DHS fight at this point,
according to the source in the room. They could vote on the clean bill, which would be likely to pass
given the near-unanimous support of Democrats. They could do another short-term bill,
but Boehner said that might be unlikely to pass, given the failure of a three-week funding bill last week.
The final option, allowing DHS to shut down, was untenable, he said.

… House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) released a statement Tuesday morning urging
Boehner to hold a vote on the clean bill as soon as possible, and reiterating that Democrats will support it.

"The Senate has voted in a bipartisan way and House Democrats have made it clear
we support full, long-term funding," she said. "We shouldn't wait another day
to remove all doubt to our enemies, to American families and to the affected workers
that we will fully fund the Department of Homeland Security."
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