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Old 02-07-2015, 10:31 PM   #12
Not Suspicious, Merely Canadian
Join Date: Oct 2006
Posts: 3,774
So, something else is making me apprehensive, but I had to laugh at the Louis CK vid.

Unfortunately I can't post it here because it may go to court. Plus, my staff have all gone middle-school drama on me and are acting, truly, like Mean Girls. What is that? I offered to buy them lunch on Friday for the weekly lunchtime staff meeting, and they all put on their coats and marched (ostentatiously) out the door and stayed away the entire lunch hour. A lunch hour, I might add, that they only enjoy because I went to bat for them and made it happen. Before I arrived, the other two docs whose feet they want to kiss didn't give a squat whether the staff ate lunch, and the staff never had a designated lunch time.

So, I have learned that lobbying for humane working conditions for one's staff earns one a cowpie in the face, lobbed by said staff.

Hm. For therapy, I have started weaving again. I took some pics today as I was working on a new project and will post them in a hobby thread, if my chemobrain recalls the way to post pics.

Back to weaving. I'm really enjoying this, wish I'd gotten back to it earlier. Maybe I'll just keep weaving and forget to go to work Monday morning.
The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated. - Ghandi
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