Thread: I just...
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Old 01-27-2015, 03:45 PM   #235
Junior Master Dwellar
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Originally Posted by glatt View Post
My mom has some sort of blutooth transmitter from a box she connects to the tv and it sends a signal directly into her hearing aids so her hearing aids transmit the tv sound. Other people in the room can listen to the tv at a comfortable volume, and she can listen at her own volume.
There's a similar sort of gizmo available here, but Dad is not very good with technology. Coupled with the fact that he is monumentally impatient it would be an expensive mistake to go down that route.

Speaking of expensive mistakes, I bought a satellite box some while back which he won't use. On the rare occasions I use it, he sits there with the remote for the TV and wonders why none of the buttons work.

He'll express surprise at the channels available on satellite when I find something different from the usual fare, but he soon forgets about it and we're back to square one.

I seem to spend much of my time on the Internet at the other end of the house but I then feel guilty about the old man in the other room sitting by himself watching TV.
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