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Old 04-15-2004, 11:37 AM   #51
Join Date: Feb 2004
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Originally posted by lumberjim
"the truth about god" - YOUR truth. keep it to yourself, thanks.
LJ, this is what I've ranted about in other threads. Why is it that the only group of people who are supposed to "keep it to themselves" are Christians? Anti-christians are not about free thought, no matter what they otherwise preach. They consistently demonstrate the most closed-minded attitude of any group.

as for data, there is none. no way to know, so how can you say you're anymore right than i am? I'm not saying you're definatley wrong, I'm saying that you are no more right than I am. not even a little bit.
I say it isn't about me being right or you being right. If there is something that is true, it's true, regardless of what you or I believe. As for data, there's scads of it. Untold volumes of it. Millenia-worth. It just doesn't fit into your system of measurement.

well yeah, that's what I'm saying (re: Xtians are nuts)
If I'm wrong in my beliefs, I haven't lost anything. I'll die and there will be nothing but oblivion. But if you're wrong, you've lost everything. Knowing what I know, it's not a gamble I'm willing to take, regardless of the immediate state of my 'faith' at any given moment.

the brainwashing of religion is so fundemantal and basic that even otherwise intelligent people succumb to it.
I haven't mentioned religion once. I believe in God because of faith, which I came by independently of any organized theology. My beliefs are deeply held, and come from a desire to be more in touch with the world around me and with the creator of that world. Your beliefs can be summed up with "ain't no God gonna tell me what to do." We have different definition of intelligence.
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