Thread: Cellar Dreamin'
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Old 12-27-2014, 09:28 PM   #219
I can hear my ears
Join Date: Oct 2003
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I dreamed that I was on a beach. There was deep snow on the beach, and spencer grabbed a snowmobile and rode it over to the right where there was an empty spot for us to set up our blankets. I was looking at the people out in the surf in their snow suits.... Wondering if mine was going to absorb a lot of water and make swimming difficult. Griff called me over to the hot tub and pool area which was crowded with people I didn't know. In an adjacent hot tub (I was somehow in a hot tub myself at this point, Sundae was holding a football. She threw it to me, and we began having a catch. I threw a perfect spiral, gently enough for her to catch it, and she passed it off to her right. That stranger threw it back into my tub, and so it went. The 2nd and 3rd ball I threw to sundae went astray, because I was too tight up against the back of my hot tub, and my arm kept hitting the concrete edge. On the 4th throw, I stood up and threw a bullet to Sundae. I immediately thought, 'shit, that was way too hard a throw, I'm going to hurt her' but she caught it, and congratulated me on not missing her again for a third time. I felt sheepish.

Sundae, you looked dead sexy in that orange bikini. You also looked like you had long straight brown hair, bolt on tits, and a gold chain with some kind of pendant that made your tan look perfect... But I still knew it was you. Like it was you in Jennifer Aniston's body.

That all probably has some kind of meaning. Never been one that had any success figuring out what my dreams meant though.. I figure Dana will have an idea or two.
This body holding me reminds me of my own mortality
Embrace this moment, remember
We are eternal, all this pain is an illusion ~MJKeenan
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