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Old 04-14-2004, 03:58 PM   #42
halve your cake and eat it too.
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: Georgia.. by way of Lawrence Kansas
Posts: 1,359
drool.. drool

hardcore addict over here... PC, PS2, Ps1, supernintendo (gotta love them lemmings)and a really really old atari 2600... and still junking out on pinball whenever i get the chance... I play pretty much everything except sports games (but if I could find a copy of pitball for the Sega Genesis.. oh man oh man I wouldn't leave home for a week)

currently playing

American Mc'gees Alice
Inetlligent Qube (payed 40$ for the damn thing on ebay!)
Dragons Lair for XP (childhood addiction)
Neverwinter Nights
Final Fantasy X (saving up for the new new one)
*sigh* if there were only two of me one could stay home and play while the other one worked..

on a side note in GTA3 on the chatterbox radio mode.. the whole thing about pogo the monkey and when the mother is talking about her sons dog getting run over and he's beggin her to hit the 'reset' button.. I think that may be a problem that actually occures, the dis-association of video games and reality in the children growing up today. no, I don't have any studies handy that would prove this, but an ex g/f of mines' son had displayed some thinking alng these lines and it took me a while to reason it out to him the difference... but then again he didn't get alot of outside human reaction.. I dunno just a thought
no my child.. this is not my desire..I'm digging for fire.
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