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Old 12-26-2014, 04:34 PM   #294
barely disguised asshole, keeper of all that is holy.
Join Date: Nov 2007
Posts: 23,401
Holy fucking Shit! What the fuckity fuck?
I'm at a total loss here. Others have said what I too think. I look at my life and hos shitty some of it was and then I see some of what you go through and I get STRONGER from you. If you can handle "X", well I sure as hell can handle my little shit.

Bloody hell, woman. You are raw and smart and honest and open and caring and sweet and and and and and .... What the fuck? I personally forbid you from trying that shit again. You may not remember, but you welcomed me when I first came here. You had joined a few months before me. We spoke on the phone once when I was in a very tough place. You talked me through some serious emotional shit. I was at my ropes end ... or so I thought. I was the one ready to quit. I still remember that and think of where Dan would be if I was gone. Holy Fuck.
I'm so glad you are still here and so pissed that you think/thought so little of yourself or whatever.
Damn girl! No more of this, I will not have it. You hear me?
"like strapping a pillow on a bull in a china shop" Bullitt
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