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Old 12-17-2014, 09:00 AM   #1
To shreds, you say?
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: in the house and on the street-how many, many feet we meet!
Posts: 18,449
I may have mentioned that the mm hatched 4 chicken eggs with 4H this summer and now they are pretty much fully grown and it is clear we have two roosters.

Village regs do not allow roosters and require a permit for chickens. These regs are fairly new, maybe 4 years old. In comparison, there are at least a dozen families here that pre-date the revolutionary war, and twice as many that pre-date the civil war. In other words, generally speaking, tradition speaks louder than some fancy new-comer showing up and telling us how to live our lives-words. (By the current metric of residency me being here for 15 years means that I haven't actually even arrived here, much less reside here.) Despite that, I still fall under the unofficial rubric of local tradition as long as one of my neighbors doesn't drop a dime on me.

The roosters have just recently come into maturity and have started greeting the dawn with their song. I figured it wouldn't be a problem in the winter since everyone has their windows shut. The other morning at 5:45 I heard what I thought was my neighbor's dog whining. Turns out it was one of the roosters.

I'm a bit worried about one particular cranky old bastard who would be just the person to piss and moan about them. I'm hoping he hasn't bothered to read the new regs for the village.
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