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Old 12-14-2014, 02:50 PM   #13
I love it when a plan comes together.
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Originally Posted by Nirvana View Post
... So I made the comment to the person training that their trainee sure seems to like the fan. The words that came out of their mouth and I quote" You are really racist". ...
Since the circumstance was that the trainee was improperly using the fan and the trainer was not correcting it, the way you phrased your comment on the situation could have been taken as a sarcastic inference that the infraction was ignored because they're both black.

In the workplace, avoid saying that someone seems this; or, seems that. Stereotypes are seemingly. Say that someone did this; or, did that and there's a pattern (e.g. of using the fan a lot). This helps attribute all parties behaviors to individual discretion rather than shared backgrounds.

That said, next time cunt punt her by retorting: "That's religious discrimination!" When she asks you to explain, demand that she explain her remark and work it out. Until then, let it go. If there's a subsequent problem with the same person, take it to your supervisor. Doing an end run around your black supervisor by going to HR after a single untoward remark only reinforces your cow-orkers allegation of racism when the odds are that she just didn't want the inferred criticism and knows you well enough to say what will rock you back. That you won a bonus and she didn't is a red herring.
Just kidding, I made it all up. She's obviously incensed because the money went to whitey!
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