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Old 12-09-2014, 01:01 AM   #17
The future is unwritten
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 71,105
What? You're surprised?

In the 1950's small town on the 4th of July, people were honestly looking forward to the parade. Not much of a parade in a town of 2000, but you knew just about everyone there, and most of the people in it. They were all going to one cookout or another after, then a lot would come back for kids game competitions, or Men's softball tournament.

Wow, Dick Hatch got a new '58 Chevy convertible, triple black. There's talk of straightening the road down by the bend-o-rocks. There's a street light by the Town House now. Nobody thought much about space, the ocean, Africa, Asia, or much else except those damn commies and their A-bombs.

There's much to be said for fat, dumb, and happy.

I believe a primary reason the country has gone to hell is information overload. Too many things to worry about and media working hard at keeping you worried. People are fed up, and know, or at least strongly suspect, no matter how much money they make, no matter how many toys/trophies they acquire, life will still be it's same shitty self.

That's why you have to examine your burdens carefully, to make sure they're worth your worry, or you're beating yourself up unnecessarily.
The descent of man ~ Nixon, Friedman, Reagan, Trump.
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