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Old 11-13-2014, 12:44 PM   #1
Join Date: Sep 2001
Location: Houston TX
Posts: 1,857
Wow I finally broke the glass on my phone! Guess I need to go shopping

I've had several friends and family members break the glass but I never have until yesterday. It's a Samsung GS3 and almost 3 years old. I've dropped it before but it must have hit just right because it's shattered down in the corner area and has a crack all the way to the top.

I could just replace the glass but I figure it's about time for a new one. I'm leaning towards the LG G3 instead of just staying with Samsung and getting the GS5. I just like some of the features better and a little change in life is good. I use ATT for a carrier and it's $199 if I get it at one of their stores and extend my contract for 2 years but I saw Best Buy sells it for $99. Not sure if there are any negatives to getting it at Best Buy, I definitely want to keep my unlimited data contract.

I probably will eventually get the glass fixed on the broken one and keep it once it's unlocked and use it for when we go overseas.
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